Definition of an A-hole.

Do you believe in A- holes?
Yes I do.
These are human species, found around each of us. This world is full of A – holes. No one knows if they are born this way or they worked hard on themselves to achieve these characteristics.

I have encountered quite a few in my life and have defined them as under :

1.Official A-hole :
He has a plastic smile on his face. Also has spectacles as an accessory perched upon his poky nose, which he may or may not use. Tries to be Boss’s favourite. This one’s mostly in your office environment.

2.Fakester A-Hole :
He wears avatar of the coolest dude of town with gel styled hair and loud music in his car. His head is mostly swinging with the loud music. Constantly honking. Jumping signals, splashing water on pedestrians, honking and bad mouthing is his birth right. He is mostly found on roads.

3.The A-hole in disguise :
This one’s a little different species. He is your friend, A-hole in disguise. He is in your circle of friends. Each of your joke fails to make him laugh and vice versa. Seizes the opportunity to take away your bestie at the drop of a hat, with fail.

4.Stinking A-Hole :
This one isn’t found so frequently but exists. You see him every day in the morning while taking the lift. As soon as the lift shuts, he releases himself silently and you get suffocated for life. Sad but true.

5.Peek-a-boo A-hole :
Found mostly in your neighborhood. You open your main door every morning to see a heap of dust piled at your doorstep to greet you. Your morning is sabotaged. You knock next door for clarification, the A-hole denies. (may God deny their existence).

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